Washington State is home to a large population of people of Nordic descent (12.5% of Washington’s population; third largest population among U.S. states), and has many educational, cultural and business ties to the Nordic lands. Our group’s purposes are to learn more about the diverse Nordic peoples and cultures, build educational, cultural, and business opportunities between Everett Community College and the Nordic lands, sponsor events to celebrate Nordic culture, promote intercultural understanding, and encourage community partnerships and engagement. While these purposes touch on all five elements of the College’s strategic plan, they are most closely tied to two: Community Connections and Partnerships, and Cultural Pluralism and Global Readiness. These purposes are also aligned with all of the values embraced in the Everett Community College Civility Statement, but most closely with the value of Inclusion.
The Nordic lands are Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, the Åland Islands, and the Svalbard Archipelago. These lands contain Scandinavians (75%), Inuit, Sami, Finns, Slavs, and, in the Faroes, a mixed race of Norse and Celtic descent. Religiously the lands are predominantly Lutheran, but other Christian groups include Roman Catholics, Orthodox, and different Protestant groups. Sami and Inuit people have tribal religions, including shamanism and animism. Many people think of the Nordic lands as racially and culturally monolithic, however, they are very diverse lands.
Contact us anytime at nordicstudies@everettcc.edu.